Airbus A321 [3274]

Registration: N984CM
Operator: CAMI-Cargo Aircraft Management
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2533-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZMAirbus IndustrieA321-2312007
A7-ADVQatar AirwaysA321-2312007CITLC, arrDUB 30.05.14 presum just for maint, Castlelake 2016, frd SNN--DOH 25.08.19 after paint white due ret lessor
9H-LISHiFly MaltaA321-2312019Carlyle Avtn Partners 9H-rgd frd DOH-LCA 14.10.19, TUI AW wlsd 05.01.20, Ernest AW wlsd 07.01.20 (which ceased by 11.01.20), BRU-LCA 11.02.20, frd LCA-NAP 28.02.20 for paint for Jet2 wlse
N984CMCAMI-Cargo Aircraft ManagementA321-2312022Pkd TPE 17.05.2022. For P2F conv
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
A7-ADV Qatar AirwaysOTT/OFFgrahamepage
A7-ADV Qatar AirwaysOTT/OFFWarthog1
00-00-0000 A7-ADV Qatar AirwaysOTBDdixieboy