Airbus A321 [364]

Registration: TC-ONS
Operator: Onur Air
HEX Code: 4BBDD3
Engines: IAE V2530-A5 x 2
Fleet Name: P. Marty
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIAAirbus IndustrieA321-1311993Prototype A.321
F-WWIAAirbus IndustrieA321-1121996Cvtd to CFMI engines - A321-112
D-AVZDAirbus IndustrieA321-1311998Recvtd back to IAE engines - A321-131
TC-ONSOnur AirA321-1311998converted back to IAE engines starting 24.02.97, rr 29.01.98,s29.01.98 XFW demo col A320 tit (tail from AC 001, which has new tail), ff 16.02.98 as standard AC,to Lemw 17.02.98 for Onur col,-ret XFW 28.02.98 fc, TC-repaint 12.03.98, del 27.03.98 delayed,.. D-rgd for testflight 23.04.98,
TC-ONSLotus AirA321-1311998sIST 1.10 Lotus tail
TC-ONSOnur AirA321-1311999
TC-ONSLotus AirA321-1311999sStuttgart basic Onur Air col, Lotus tit/tail
TC-ONSOnur AirA321-1312000sCOP is
TC-ONSQeshm AirlinesA321-1312006sTEH Onur-nbcs td
TC-ONSOnur AirA321-1312006sDUS ncs td
TC-ONSSaudi Arabian AirlinesA321-1312009
TC-ONSOnur AirA321-1312010
TC-ONSOnur AirA321-1312020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-ONS Onur AirLTBAJLRAviation
TC-ONS Onur AirLTFEWarthog1
TC-ONS Onur AirLFPGcolinw
00-00-0000 TC-ONS Onur AirLTBAdixieboy