Airbus A321 [535]

Registration: 5Y-JZW
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 04C1B5
Engines: CFMI CFM56-5B1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZCAirbus IndustrieA321-1111995
HB-IOESwissair A321-1111995frd ZRH 27.06.95, s28.01.01 ZRH blue belly nc, ceased ops 02.10.01
F-WQQULessorA321-1112001sBOD pkd blue belly Qualifier Group-tit td
F-GYANAir MediterraneeA321-1112002own Encore Leasing, sCDG hybrid-cs 26.10.02, own ILFC 22.06.05, own AIC 18.07.14
F-GYANHermes AirlinesA321-1112014
F-GYANDaallo AirlinesA321-1112014
F-GYANHermes AirlinesA321-1112014
F-GYANBosnian Wand AirlinesA321-1112015
F-GYANHermes AirlinesA321-1112015
F-GYANJubba AirwaysA321-1112015arrJIB td, sNBO 05.11.15, Air Med. ret,
F-GYANAir MediterraneeA321-1112015
F-GYANLessorA321-1112016AerCap. Std LYS
SX-ABDOlympus AirwaysA321-1112016frd LJU-ATH 28.04.16 Jubba blue cs,
SX-ABDAir MoldovaA321-1112016
SX-ABDOlympus AirwaysA321-1112016
SX-ABDDaallo AirlinesA321-1112016
SX-ABDOlympus AirwaysA321-1112016
SX-ABDLebanon Sky AviationA321-1112016Lsd from Olympus Airways
SX-ABDOlympus AirwaysA321-1112016Lsd from AerCap
SX-ABDJubba AirwaysA321-1112016Lsd from Olympus Airways
5Y-JZWJubba AirwaysA321-1112017fis 30.04.2017 NBO-MGD. Lsd from Olympus Airways.
5Y-JZWOlympus AirwaysA321-1112017WFU and std ISL 26.10.2017. Std CRA 22.12.2017.
5Y-JZWLessorA321-1112018AerCap. Std GYR 11.01.2018. B/u 06.2018 at GYR
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-GYAN Air MediterraneeOTT/OFFcolinw
F-GYAN Air MediterraneeLFPGGreggy
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F-GYAN Air MediterraneeLFPGGreggy
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HB-IOE Swissair EGLLWarthog1