Airbus A321 [591]

Registration: 2-TBXF
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2530-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZVAirbus IndustrieA321-1311996
TC-ONHOnur AirA321-1311996str XLW s22.04.99 full Onur col, ret ILFC 25.05.99
N591KBBrussels International AirlinesA321-1311999Brussels Int 25.05.99 (due ret 6.04) ntu, N-reg canc 30.06.99
TC-ABCAir AlfaA321-1311999arr FRA 19.11.99 full Brussels col
OO-CPSBrussels International AirlinesA321-1311999is 04.12.99, Tunis Air slsd 24.06.00, s23.09.00 white no tit, opf TU, ret BRU 24.09.00, to CDG 29.09.00 to opf Air France (back up), s2.01.01 white no tit is for AF, wfs 5.01.01, FRA 7.01.01, OO-reg canc 5.02.01
VN-A342Vietnam AirlinesA321-1312001dam after a tail strike on landing Ho Chi Minh City (SGN), Vietnam 0(?) 22.05.04
B-2293Sichuan AirlinesA321-1312004sPEK fcs 10.09.04, wfs by 09.15 (last Sichuan 321-100)
2-TBXFLessorA321-1312015ret lessor, frd Chengdu--GYR 11-13.09.15, s06.16, broken up by 2018
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N451LF LessorEGGWScottyBoy76