Airbus A321 [6726]

Registration: RA-73710
Operator: Aeroflot - Russian Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B3/P x 2
Fleet Name: Y. Lyubimov
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AYADAirbus IndustrieA321-211(SL)2015
EI-LEDTransaero AirlinesA321-211(SL)2015ICBC Fin Leasing, Sky High XXXVI Leasing Comp r13.08.15, sis LHR 04.09.15, ret lessor frd SVO-Teruel 17.10.15, ret lessor 20.10.15 (AL ceased ops), frd LETL-CBG 09.04.16 for repaint
VP-BEEAeroflot - Russian AirlinesA321-211(SL)2016frd to CBG 09.04.16, s20.04.16 Aeroflot fcs, s15.06.16, EI-reg canc 29.09.16, frd CBG-Kaunas 12.10.16, frd MPL-SVO 19.01.17, 95th anniversary spcs
RA-73710Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesA321-211(SL)2022Legal owner ICBC-Sky High XXXVI Leasing Co Ltd. 95 Years c/s
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-BEE Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEGLLFlyDroo
VP-BEE Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEDDFGreggy
VP-BEE Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesLFPGgrahamepage
EI-LED Transaero AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage