Airbus A321 [725]

Registration: SU-GBW
Operator: Egyptair
HEX Code: 01002F
Engines: IAE V2533-A5 x 2
Fleet Name: The Nile
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZAAirbus IndustrieA321-2311997
SU-GBWEgyptair A321-2311997frd 24.09.97 to Cairo, s5.11.00 no tit, s26.11.00 opf RAM, sCDG blue eng and tail no tit or logo named "The Nile" 13.05.01
SU-GBWAir CairoA321-2312003sSXF Egyptair-bcs Air Cairo-tit td
SU-GBWEgyptairA321-2312005WFU and std CAI 10.07.2018.
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SU-GBW EgyptairLTBAWarthog1
SU-GBW Egyptair EGCCAV8 Photos
SU-GBW Egyptair EGCCAV8 Photos