Airbus A321 [891]

Registration: 9H-CGA
Operator: SmartLynx Airlines Malta
HEX Code: 4D230B
Engines: CFM56-5B3/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZJAirbus IndustrieA321-1111998
HB-IOJSwissairA321-1111998D-AIRX LH reall to 887, is 07.11, ceased ops 02.10.01, ret ILFC frd-->BOD 17.10.01
HB-IOJSwiss International Air LinesA321-1112002tfd ILFC td, spkd ZRH bcs 09.12.03, sTLS all white cs ret ILFC 01.03.04
F-GYARAir MediterraneeA321-2122004cvtd -211 03.04, dep fcs 26.03.04, lsd till 31.03.09, mod to -212 07.14, AL ceased 15.02.16, ret lessor, frd Kaunas-SNN 17.02.16, reg canc 08.09.16
2-RLAMLessorA321-2122017sSNN 14.09.16 F-rrgd, repo due CAA-Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation, perhaps ntu, frd MPL--FIH 15.01.17, 2-rgd frd FIH--MPL 03.02.17, presum never 9Q-rgd
N322WSLessorA321-2112017frd TUS-SFB 22.11.17, Southern Aircraft Consultancy r04.01.18. P2F conf
9H-CGASmartLynx Airlines MaltaA321-211(P2F)2021Lsd from Vallair. Op for DHL Aviation, DHL c/s. "Less fuel burn. Flying Greener." sticker
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-CGA SmartLynx Airlines MaltaOTT/OFFairman45GB
F-GYAR Air MediterraneeLFPGcolinw
F-GYAR Air MediterraneeLFPGFlyDroo
F-GYAR Air MediterraneeLEPAErazkiel
F-GYAR Air MediterraneeLTFEWarthog1
HB-IOJ SwissairEGLLWarthog1