Airbus A321neo [8288]

Registration: A6-AEO
Operator: Etihad Airways
HEX Code: 896699
Engines: CFMI LEAP-1A32 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVYJAirbus IndustrieA321-251n2018
OY-PADPrimera Air ScandinaviaA321-251n2018Lsd from ACG, WFU 01.10.2018, AL ceased ops 02.10.2018.
OY-PADLessorA321-251n2018ACG. Std CDG 02.10.2018. EI-GHV (Alitalia) ntu 01.2019.
VP-CAELessorA321-251n2019ACG. Std MPL
VN-A590Bamboo AirwaysA321-251n2019Lsd from ACG. Del MPL-DWC-HAN 16-17.08.2019. Special 1st million passengers titles. Incident 02.11.2021, minor collision at HAN with A321 VN-A222. Std HAN 02.11.2021, ret svc 14.11.2021. WFU 20.09.2023. Std TNN 22.09.2023
VP-CFQLessorA321-251n2023ACG. Std MPL 12.12.2023. Std AUH 13.06.2024. For Etihad, A6-
A6-AEOEtihad AirwaysA321-251n2024Lsd from AXCG, ent svc 29.06.2024
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OY-PAD Primera Air ScandinaviaOTT/OFFgrahamepage