BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E1003]

Registration: VH-NJX
Operator: National Jet Express
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-SSCHBritish AerospaceBAe 146-1001981
G-5-14British AerospaceBAe 146-1001985G-BIAF NTU
G-5-14British AerospaceBAe 146-1001986BAe rr 24.01.86
N246SSBritish Caribbean Airways BAe 146-1001986repo 12.10.86
N246SSPSA BAe 146-1001986ret 19.09.87
N246SSAspen AirwaysBAe 146-1001987str 5.90 AL ceased
N246SSAir Wisconsin BAe 146-1001991
N246SSUnited ExpressBAe 146-1001991
N246SSWestair Commuter AirlinesBAe 146-1001992
N246SSUnited ExpressBAe 146-1001992
N246SSAir Wisconsin BAe 146-1001992
N246SSUnited ExpressBAe 146-1001993sNashville 5.02.98 old UnEx col
N246SSNorfolk Jet ExpressBAe 146-1001998frd to Stansted 10.03.98 oc, own Nat Jet Systems 16.03.98, due VH-NJA lsd Norfolk Jet Expr ntu, Send 20.03.98 painting, s27.03.98 white, VH-reg taped over, sStansted 18.04.98 full Norfolk col,s5.6 as N246SS still (never to Australia yet), N-reg canc 9.07.98, ar
EI-CPYCityJetBAe 146-1001998
EI-CPYKLM UKBAe 146-1001998due ret 3.99
EI-CPYCityJetBAe 146-1001999sDub fc
EI-CPYJersey European AirwaysBAe 146-1001999titl applied 10.09.99, s30.10.99 CityJet fc, JEA sticker, for op London City-Dublin due ret 25.03.00
EI-CPYBritish European AirwaysBAe 146-1002000Lser Cityjet cs 13.10.00 and ferry to Shannon, r/o in Air France fc and Air france by Cityjet tit 15.10.00, Lser 28.10.00
EI-CPYCityJetBAe 146-1002000is from CDG 29.10.00, last service 09.12.00, has corrosion in wingtank, sBournemouth hangared with Flight Refuelling 05.01.01, still pkd 18.05.01
VH-NJXQantasLinkBAe 146-1002001rgd 23.08.01, frd through Dubai as QFA4691 28.08.01, arr Perth 30.08.01, i.s. 7.09.01 Perth-Karratha
VH-NJXNational Jet SystemsBAe 146-1002004sPER fcs 29.02.04
VH-NJXAir NiuginiBAe 146-1002004arrPOM td
VH-NJXNational Jet SystemsBAe 146-1002004frd-->CNS td
VH-NJXQantasLinkBAe 146-1002005QantasLink-fcs, last svc& frd-->ADL 30.06.05, strADL since 27.03.09
VH-NJXNational Jet ExpressBAe 146-1002009frd-->PER 04.12.09, wfu&arrADL to be brup 07.09.12, s being brup 31.03.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CPY British European AirwaysEGLCGreggy
EI-CPY CityJetEIDWWarthog1
G-SSCH British AerospaceEGLFAyronautica
G-SSCH British AerospaceEGLFWarthog1