BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E1011]

Registration: D-AWDL
Operator: WDL Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PT-LEQTABABAe 146-1001983str Belem 6.85,repo BAe 30.10.85
N803RWRoyal West Airlines BAe 146-1001986own JAC tl 7.86,to TLC 6.87
N803RWRoyal West Airlines BAe 146-1001987
N803RWSunworld InternationalBAe 146-1001987BAe repo 29.03.88,str Oklahoma City 3.88
C-GNVYAir NovaBAe 146-10019881.10.89 Dothan convs?
G-UKJFAir UKBAe 146-1001990
G-UKJFKLM UKBAe 146-1001998ret BAe 30.06.98
D-AWDLWDL AviationBAe 146-1001998depa NWI 2.07.98 fc, WeL T W r7.98, adhoc wlsd Debonair 7.03.99, wlsd Debonair 28.3-30.04.99, sis WDL s18.01.00 TLS, reported for Goldwing AL, Italy by 09.00, is for Airbus/EADS since 2002, will be lsd to SAS during summer 2008, sDUS ret from SAS-lease 20.09.08, D-reg canc wfu CGN 07.11.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-UKJF Air UKEGHIAyronautica
G-UKJF Air UKEGPKAyronautica