BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E1160]

Registration: RP
Operator: Skyjet Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
A2-ABFAir BotswanaBAe 146-1001991set 19, or ff 20.06.90
G-BVLJBritish AerospaceBAe 146-1001994arr Cambridge/r7.04.94
EI-CJPCityJetBAe 146-1001994is 1.6,due ret 10.94,wfu 19.03.95,ret BAe/AMO 27.03.95,frd Dub-Exeter,titles painted over,canc 3.04.95 AMO ret
G-BVLJAir Mistral BAe 146-1001995wfu BAe r4.04.95,due ret 12.95,sStansted 8.10.95 maint
VH-JSFAustralian Air ExpressBAe 146-1001995arr Send whitye 14.11.95,ro 17.11,r28.11.95/due ret 11.01 AMO
VH-NJDAustralian Air ExpressBAe 146-1001996
VH-NJDNorfolk Jet ExpressBAe 146-1001997is 15.5, wfu 1.04.98, depa Adel 9.04.98 for UK white, British South Atlantoc AL lsd 4.98 ntu, Titan AW lsd due 5.98 (ntu?)
VH-NJDQantasLinkBAe 146-1001998lsd Airlink 29.03.99-6.99 again, wfu ADL 05.08.05
VH-NJDNational Jet SystemsBAe 146-1002005for sale to a Bulgarian operator, frdSTN-->Kemble 10.10.05
G-BVLJTrident Jet LeasingBAe 146-1002005VH-reg canc td, s with A2-ABF reg 12.11.05, s with G-reg 20.11.05
A2-ABFAir BotswanaBAe 146-1002005sSEN pkd 21.07.09
G-BVLJBritish AerospaceBAe 146-1002009own IES to be exec-cvtd 11.09
G-BVLJInflite Engineering ServicesBAe 146-1002010rgd after conv td
A2-ABFAir BotswanaBAe 146-1002011G-reg canc 13.05.11, frd SEN-ATH 20.05.11 fc, presum pkd Gaberone by 2014, still repo there 02.17 and still for sale
RPSkyjet AirlinesBAe 146-1002017frd GBE--SFS 28.07-13.08.17 A2-rgd
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CJP CityJetEIDWWarthog1