BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E1267]

Registration: M-STRY
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Engines: LF507-1F x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9H-ACPAir Malta Avro RJ701995final RJ70 / ret EMA 6.03.98 fc
EI-CPLAzzurra AirAvro RJ701998r31.3 PAL, depa 1.4 to Bergamo as 9H-rgd, white/Azzurra logo on engs, EI-CPL taped over, s1.05.98 AZ fc, Azzurra tit, painted AMS in Azzura fcs (was Alitalia Express) 15.01.02, sold to HSBC Bank & lsd back to Air Malta, arrEXE str 19.12.03
A6-RJKAbu Dhabi Amiri FlightAvro RJ702005sMLH still Azzurra-cs td, sBSL for interior outfitting 20.12.05, own Amiri Flight, depNWI 18.08.06, airtested 05.04.07
A6-LIWAbu Dhabi Amiri FlightAvro RJ702007arrEXE reason unk 18.03.09, presum the AC repo as A6-REH sEXE 05.09.06 misread?, frd AUH--Kemble 08-10.03.15 reg as callsign, repo ex Amiri Flight, s14.03.15 markings painted out, frd to Cranfield 28.07.15
M-STRYCorporateAvro RJ702015
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A6-LIW Abu Dhabi Amiri FlightEGBPcolinw
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