BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2012]

Registration: I-TERB
Operator: Club Air
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N601AWAir Wisconsin BAe 146-2001983repo BAe 1.06.89
N601AWUnited ExpressBAe 146-2001983
C-FHAVAir AtlanticBAe 146-2001990own (xBAe) 27.03.97
C-FHAVAir NovaBAe 146-2001998arr Toronto for painting, due ret 12.98 (30.06.98 41116 l-highcycle 146)
C-FHAVAir AtanticBAe 146-2001999
G-DEBKDebonairBAe 146-2001999arr Stanst 6.2, r19.2 Debonair, Swissair Express basic c 19.04.99, s28.05.99 Zurich 'opb by Debonair' and 'Air Europe' sticker, impound 30.09.99 Birmingham, AL ceas
G-DEFKFlightlineBAe 146-2001999arrSEN & pkd 02.10.01, bis Aberdeen white cs 08.02.02, sSEN white no tit 06.08.02, ret lessor, s Club Air-fcs 02.10.02
G-DEFKClub AirBAe 146-2002002rgd to Clubair Sixcargo SPA 29.10.02, sGVA fcs 30.06.03
EI-DBYClub AirBAe 146-2002003own IMP Avtn (Ireland) 08.10.03
I-TERBClub AirBAe 146-2002004sBLQ 20.09.04, own Intesa Leasing td, arrSEN repo for str 18.10.06, s stripped of parts to be brup 16.03.08, almost brup and removed 04.04.08
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