BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2022]

Registration: FAB-105
Operator: TAM Bolivia
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N346PSPSA BAe 146-2001984
N163USUS AirBAe 146-2001988wfu 5.91 Mojave,Cambridge 8.07.96,canc FNB
G-DEBEDebonairBAe 146-2001996r5.8/Portugalia slsd 13.4-1.06.97/ ro Send 21.2 Debonair tit, basic Lufthansa col, to be opf LH, s5.09.99 is 'opb Debonair on behalf of Lufthansa' tit, AL ceas 30.09.99 (fate?), spkd BHX 13.11.99
G-DEBEFlightlineBAe 146-2002000sExeter 4.01.00 blue tail, not yet rr, frd Send-HAM 11.01.00 basic LH col, opb Flightline tit, rr due G-DEFE was res, s opf Air France ex LH cs Flightline tit 06.12.00, last service 31.12.00
G-DEBECityJetBAe 146-2002001sCDG 'Air France by CityJet'-tit 18.11.01, no Air France cs corr 12.01, ret Flightline at DUB 28.05.02
G-DEBEFlightlineBAe 146-2002002sORY all white-cs 13.07.02
G-DEBEBritish Airways CitiexpressBAe 146-2002002frd-->SEN white cs pkd 17.08.02, reported not going to CityJet 09.02
G-DEBEFlightlineBAe 146-2002003sisCDG white-cs and tit td
G-DEBECityJetBAe 146-2002003lsd for 6 months E2047 has corrosion problems td, sDUB white-cs "Air France by CityJet"-tit 24.11.03
G-DEBEFlightlineBAe 146-2002004sCDG white-cs with tit opf Britair (ACMI) td
G-DEBEDiscovery AviationBAe 146-2002004sANR fcs td
G-DEBEFlightlineBAe 146-2002004arrSEN td, frd-->FZO for paint 05.01.05, frd-->SEN white-cs 12.01.05, sLHR with Flightline-tit opf Qantas 17.01.05, sSEN "Air France by Cityjet"-tit 11.07.05
G-DEBECityJetBAe 146-2002005frd-->CDG td, sSEN Air France-cs 13.11.05
EI-DMKCityJetBAe 146-2002006
G-FLTFFlightlineBAe 146-2002008
G-FLTFBA ConnectBAe 146-2002008frdSEN-->LCY white-cs td
G-FLTFFlightlineBAe 146-2002008frd-->SEN str 03.12.08, own 27.05.09, s27.07.12
N140CAAircraft Holdings NetworkBAe 146-2002012own TMI 26.11.12
FAB-105TAM BoliviaBAe 146-2002012
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All Users Sightings

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EI-DMK CityJetEGSSgrahamepage
G-DEBE FlightlineEGMCGreggy
G-DEBE FlightlineEGCCGreggy
G-DEBE DebonairEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DEBE DebonairEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DEBE DebonairEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DEBE DebonairEGGWAyronautica