BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2028]

Registration: D-AMAJ
Operator: WDL Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N351PSPSA BAe 146-2001984PacExpr NTU
N171USUS AirBAe 146-2001988wfu 5.91 Mojave
G-DEBADebonairBAe 146-2001996arr Cambr 10.02.96, sis 11.02.99 white fus, Debonair tit, s23.06.99 blue tail, 'opb Debonair on behalf of Lufthansa' tit, impounded 30.09.99 Birmingham, AL ceas, spkd BHX 13.11.99
G-BZBABritish AerospaceBAe 146-2002000frd as G-DEBA Woodford 15.03.00, rr incorrect?, G-DEBA canc 30.03.00 to D- (while offic still G-BZBA on reg)
D-AMAJWDL AviationBAe 146-2002000sWoodford 03.07.00, Glasgow 16.07.00, s Dusseldorf with "on behalf of Deutsche BA" sticker 06.11.00
D-AMAJDeutsche BABAe 146-2002001sHamburg BA tit "Edelweiss" tail 12.03.01
D-AMAJFly DBABAe 146-2002002ret WDL 05.02.03
D-AMAJAir BerlinBAe 146-2002003sAMS Air Berlin-cs td
D-AMAJAustrian ArrowsBAe 146-2002004
D-AMAJWDL AviationBAe 146-2002004sMAN white-cs opf V Bird 16.07.04, opf Flightline from 17.07.04 till 31.07.04
D-AMAJCityJetBAe 146-2002005
D-AMAJWDL AviationBAe 146-2002005arrCGN td
D-AMAJAir NostrumBAe 146-2002006sVLC fcs td, ret WDL 04.07
D-AMAJFlybeBAe 146-2002007sMAN white-cs td
D-AMAJWDL AviationBAe 146-2002007sNUE white-cs td, s fcs 24.05.07
D-AMAJSAS Scandinavian AirlinesBAe 146-2002008
D-AMAJWDL AviationBAe 146-2002010sORY opf Air Berlin td, frd-->FRA to be used as groundtrainer 31.01.14, D-reg canc wfu 26.03.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-AMAJ WDL AviationEGSSGreggy
D-AMAJ Austrian ArrowsEHAMGreggy
D-AMAJ Air BerlinEGSSAyronautica
D-AMAJ Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
D-AMAJ WDL AviationEDDLWarthog1
G-DEBA DebonairEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DEBA DebonairEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DEBA DebonairEGGWAyronautica