BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2045]

Registration: N473NA
Operator: Neptune Aviation Services
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N362PSPSA BAe 146-2001985
N185USUS AirBAe 146-2001988wfu 5.91 Mojave / canc 21.08.97
G-DEBHDebonairBAe 146-2001997arr Stansted 29.05.97/Luton 22.8 full AFr Express col Debonair logo's, r27.8,is 29.8/ sCDG 30.08.98/ sis 20.04.99 TLS basic LH col, 'op by Debonair on behalf of LH Cityline' tit, wfu 30.09.99, AL ceas, spkd BHX 13.11.99, sBirmingham pkd 6.01.00, Stansted 7.01.00
OY-RCABusiness Air BAe 146-2002000s28.01.00 Stansted rrgd, basic LH col, Manch 2.02.00 BMA flightnr, Business Air 7.2-12.06.00, s Manchester 07.06.00 Lufthansa cs and tit, s Copenhagen 17 and 14.06.00 opf Atlantic Airways
G-CLHEBusiness Air BAe 146-2002000sis Birmingham 01.10.00
G-CLHEBritish Midland RegionalBAe 146-2002001sEXE with Atlantic AW tit 11.01.02, remain at BMR to cover a damaged EMB-145
OY-RCAAtlantic AirwaysBAe 146-2002002sCPH 30.03.02, sLUX opf SAS 31.10.07, sSEN pkd 23.03.10, frd-->RKV for Aerovias DAP 30.06.10, sYSU 08.10, s11.11.10
N473NANeptune Aviation ServicesBAe 146-2002013own WFBN, Neptune AS r14.12.16
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