BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2050]

Registration: VH-SBZ
Operator: Pionair Australia
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-5-117 British AerospaceBAe 146-2001986
PK-PJPPelita Air ServiceBAe 146-2001986
D-AWUEWDL AviationBAe 146-2001998arr Cologne 23.10.98, conv VIP-pax by NAYAK, PK-reg removed 27.10, pkd 29.11.98, to Woodford 5.01.99 as D-, rWDL 5.99
D-AWUEAir BerlinBAe 146-2002003frdAMS-->CGN td
D-AWUEWDL AviationBAe 146-2002004sGVA Air Berlin-bcs no tit opf Tyrolean AW td
D-AWUEFly DBABAe 146-2002004sTXL white-cs with tit td, ret WDL 06.04
D-AWUEDiscovery AviationBAe 146-2002004sPRG fcs td
D-AWUEWDL AviationBAe 146-2002004sMAN white/grey-cs small "operated by WDL"-sticker td, reported for British AW Citiexpress, sCGN pkd white-cs 18.02.05
D-AWUEEagle Air ServiceBAe 146-2002005sCGN white-cs with tit td
D-AWUEWDL AviationBAe 146-2002005sCGN with tit td, sMAD "Air Nostrum"-logo 05.11.05, sHAM WDL-tit only 23.02.06, frd CGN-TXL 31.02.18, sis 05.02.18 with easyJet titles, Sky express wlsd fis 20.04.19, ret ATH-CGN 13.05.19, offered for sale 06.19 tt 19000, 15000 l
VH-SBZPionair AustraliaBAe 146-2002019frd CGN--BWU 21-25.11.19, r17.01.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-AWUE WDL AviationLEMDGreggy
D-AWUE WDL AviationEHAMGreggy
D-AWUE Air BerlinEGSSgrahamepage
D-AWUE WDL AviationEGBBWarthog1