BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2066]

Registration: I-TERK
Operator: Club Air
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N405XVPresidential Airways BAe 146-2001986repo BAe 89????
C-FHNXAir AtlanticBAe 146-2001990ret 20.09.90
N405XVBAe BAe 146-2001990
XA-RTIAVIACSA BAe 146-2001991repo BAe 18.03.92
N356BALessorBAe 146-2001992
C-FHNXAir AtlanticBAe 146-2001993
C-FHNXAir BCBAe 146-2001993wfu s4.94 Vancouver,EMA 17.12.94
N356BALessorBAe 146-2001994arr EMA 17.12.94,canc 3.95
D-ALOAHamburg AirlinesBAe 146-2001995ro EMA/cn to be conf,see 2058,sEMA ear3.95 fc,FSBU r3.95
D-ALOAEurowings BAe 146-2001996white tit
D-ALOAHamburg AirlinesBAe 146-2001997arr Stansted 29.10.97 ret BAe
D-ALOAEurowings BAe 146-2001997depa Stanst, wfu & frd-->EIN 08.05.03, frd-->NUE white-cs 14.05.03, ret Bae Systems frd-->FZO 15.07.03
G-CCJPBritish AerospaceBAe 146-2002003
G-CCJPClub AirBAe 146-2002003dep FZO fcs td, sEXT hangared 13.12.03, sFZO for wing corrosion repairs 16.12.03, frd-->EXT after repairs Club Air-cs 04.03.04
I-TERKClub AirBAe 146-2002004G-reg canc after repairs td, csd ops ret Bae(O) at Kemble 10.12.06, s in brup area 23.04.09, G-reg canc 15.05.09
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-CCJP Club AirEGBPAyronautica
D-ALOA Eurowings EDDLWarthog1
D-ALOA Hamburg AirlinesEIDWWarthog1