BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2074]

Registration: N478NA
Operator: Neptune Aviation Services
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BNNDBritish AerospaceBAe 146-200A1987
N368PSPSA BAe 146-200A1987
N192USUS AirBAe 146-200A1988to BAe 2.08.88
G-BNNDAir UKBAe 146-200A1988ret BAe 12.03.89
HS-TBQThai Airways InternationalBAe 146-200A1989ret BAe 17.09.89
N881DVDiscovery AirwaysBAe 146-200A1990wfu Hono s10.90,Hagerstown 22.05.91,Little Rock 23.11.91
N881DVBEX-Business ExpressBAe 146-200A1992JP92
N812ASAtlantic Southeast AirlinesBAe 146-200A1995
N812ASDelta ConnectionBAe 146-200A1995sis Atlanta 12.10.95,rr s13.01.96, ret BAe late 1.98, arr Stanst 30.01.98, FSB canc 6.05.98
EI-CSLAer Lingus CommuterBAe 146-200A1998depa Send 23.02.98 fc,sStansted 14.04.98 fc, still 5.05.98 as N812AS, ret BAe AM at 23.08.00
EI-CSLCityJetBAe 146-200A2000s Dublin in Air France fc and Air France by Cityjet tit 19.10.00, arrNWI for maint&paint prio lease ret 02.07, sSouth African Airlink-fcs 22.05.07
ZS-PUZSA AirlinkBAe 146-200A2007
LZ-DALDaallo AirlinesBAe 146-200A2012operator also repo as Aviostart, sSOF str 12.05.14, frd Djibouti--Sofia 08.05.16, ret to JIB 30.05.16 presum for maintenance
N478NANeptune Aviation ServicesBAe 146-200A2016frd JIB--MSO 17-20.11.16 due fire fighter conversion
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEIDWAyronautica
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEIDWAyronautica
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEIDWAyronautica
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CSL Aer Lingus CommuterEIDWWarthog1
N881DV BEX-Business ExpressKBOSAyronautica
G-BNND Air UKEGPKAyronautica