BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2130]

Registration: VH-SUF
Operator: Skyforce Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-GRNXAir NovaBAe 146-2001989s at LBG show in Thai fcs 06.89, r25.03.99 Air Nova
C-GRNXAir Canada RegionalBAe 146-2002001sYYZ white cs is 13.02.02
C-GRNXJazz AirBAe 146-2002002r/o YYZ yellow Jazz cs 27.03.02, rgd 17.05.02, sYYC str white-cs pres ret lessor 27.12.04, own AGI 09.02.05, arr Kemble 03.07.06
G-CEBRBritish AerospaceBAe 146-2002006s12.10.06
C-GRNXAvMAX GroupBAe 146-2002007G-reg canc td, frd-->YFB 20.11.07, rgd 03.12.08, frd-->AKL 15.12.08, to become ZK-ECO
ZK-ECOAir NationalBAe 146-2002009
ZK-ECOVincent AviationBAe 146-2002011sAKL with "Quamsair"-tit for the film Mister Pip 13.08.11, sAKL titles removed 05.10.14, ANCL Investments Ltd r12.03.15
VH-SUFSkyforce AviationBAe 146-2002015frd AKL--Sydney BWU 09.04.15, VH-rrgd 24.04.15 Vanguard Investments, str BWU s05.16 not flown since arrival
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All Users Sightings

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G-CEBR British AerospaceEGBPgrahamepage