BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2138]

Registration: N472NA
Operator: Neptune Aviation Services
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G5-138British AerospaceBAe 146-200A1989
N883DVDiscovery AirwaysBAe 146-200A1989wfu Hono s10.90,Hagerstown MD 22.05.91
N883DVBEX-Business ExpressBAe 146-200A1992wfu s21.06.94,28.03.95 Kingman AZ. own JAC,Trans Am Charter N729TA JP95 due
N138TRTristar Airlines BAe 146-200A1995sKingman AZ 13.12.96 own JAC/ASA-Delta Express 96-7 NTU?
N138TRAtlantic Southeast AirlinesBAe 146-200A1996
N138TRDelta ConnectionBAe 146-200A1997
C-FHAAAir AtlanticBAe 146-200A1997IMP G C-rgd 10.09.97,due 15.12.97/frd to Woodford 4.01.98 white, painted SE- 2.03.98 white
N138JVBritish AerospaceBAe 146-200A1998sWoodford 24.03.98 special Europolitan tit, canc 2.04.98
SE-DRLMalmö AviationBAe 146-200A1998s1.4 SE-rgd,r4.4 FSB
SE-DRLMalmö AviationBAe 146-200A1999
SE-DRLMalmö AviationBAe 146-200A2000ret BAe and arr Exeter 17.12.00
G-JEAYBritish European Airways BAe 146-200A2001rgd to Jersey European AW
G-JEAYFlybeBAe 146-200A2002sSEN str bcs 01.08.07, frd-->BCM 22.02.08, own BAe (O) 04.02.08
N18FFBAeBAe 146-200A2011own TMI-->AHN 27.06.11, frd-->Summerside 08.07.11, own WFBN 09.07.12
N18FFNeptune Aviation ServicesBAe 146-200A2012
N472NANeptune Aviation ServicesBAe 146-200A2013re-rgd, r29.08.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-JEAY FlybeEGHIcolinw
G-JEAY British European Airways EGKKgrahamepage