BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2188]

Registration: ZE707
Operator: RAF - Royal Air Force
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GLNIAir Jet BAe 146-200QC 1991set 31, due 8.91 ann 1.10.90 ret after QCconv 23.07.91 WoodfordsF 16.9, rev 17.9 G-/s white no tit 22.01.98 Coventry, BNP Bail tfd to BNP Lease r16.11.98 still Air Jet, sCDG new taillogo 13.02.01, rgd to SJI 14.12.01, ceased operations at DNR 04.03.03, frd-->NWI for paint 28.03.03
F-GLNIAxis AirwaysBAe 146-200QC 2003will opf TNT Axis-fcs, own STJS 15.05.03
OO-TAZTNT AirwaysBAe 146-200QC 2006wfu&arrNWI for paint 05.04.12. frd-->CEG 16.04.12
ZE707RAF - Royal Air ForceBAe 146-200QC 2013
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ZE707 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGPKAyronautica
ZE707 RAF - Royal Air ForceOTT/OFFcolinw
ZE707 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGPKAyronautica
ZE707 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGHHWarthog1
ZE707 RAF - Royal Air ForceEGPHFlyDroo
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F-GLNI Air Jet EGPHAyronautica