BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E2299]

Registration: G-CFZM
Operator: BAS
HEX Code:
Engines: LF507-1F x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-CNIAzzurra AirAvro RJ851996rOAK26.11.96,is 10.12.96, sHAM fcs (was in Alitalia Expr) 31.12.01, sold to HSBC Bank & lsd back to Air Malta, arrEXE str 12.12.03, r/oNWI white-cs 09.06.05, depNWI to unk loc 10.06.05
EI-CNIClub AirAvro RJ852005sVRN 25.06.05, sNTE 30.09.05, ret HSBC Bank 08.06
A6-RJERoyal JetAvro RJ852006arrNWI for paint 05.08.06, own Amiri Flight, dep NWI painted executive-cs 18.08.06, frd-->AUH 17.10.06, frd-->Kemble & str 01.04.09, s 04.08.09
G-CFZMBASAvro RJ852009G-rgd BAS 10.08.09, frd Kemble-Bournemouth 09.12.10, r/o 16.12.10 Jagson AL cs, ntu, frd BOH-SEN 17.12.10, to Kemble 06.01.11, own TRAL 19.08.11, also repo due for Premiair ar 2011-13, presum ntu, sCranfield 16.02.14, s str 02.04.15, scrapped Cranfield by 05.02.16, canc 01.03.16
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