BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E3146]

Registration: EP-MOK
Operator: Mahan Air
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-ATSCSagittair BAe 146-3001990wfu Hatfield,ret BAe 9.11.91/own CLS 11.07.90
I-ATSCTAS AirwaysBAe 146-3001992to EMA 23.3
I-ATSCDAT - Delta Air TransportBAe 146-3001993opf SAB
I-ATSCTAS AirwaysBAe 146-3001993
G-BOJJBritish AerospaceBAe 146-3001994late 8.94 Cambridge
EI-CLHAer Lingus Commuter BAe 146-3001995r,frd,is 2.6/ BAe to ANZB 05.99, AerL r31.08.99, frdSTN-->DUB after C-check but not bis 07.03.03, bis 10.04.03, wfu DUB 26.11.03, arr-->MHV & str 02.06.04, frd-->SOF 06.05.06, ret ANZB 10.05.06
LZ-HBFHemus AirBAe 146-3002006
LZ-HBFTaban AirlinesBAe 146-3002007frd-->THR td
LZ-HBFBelle AirBAe 146-3002007sVIE td
LZ-HBFBulgaria AirBAe 146-3002011SOF td fc
LZ-HBFHemus AirBAe 146-3002013
UR-CKYUkraine Mediterranean AirlinesBAe 146-3002013
EP-MOKMahan AirBAe 146-3002014UR-reg canc td, frd to Shahdad 07.12.17, wfu and to be cvtd to restaurant
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCGreggy
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EIDWAyronautica
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGPKAyronautica
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EIDWWarthog1
EI-CLH Aer Lingus Commuter EGPFScottyBoy76
I-ATSC TAS AirwaysEGKKScottyBoy76