BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E3149]

Registration: EP-MOF
Operator: Mahan Air
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HS-TBNThai Airways InternationalBAe 146-3001990set 13 (Woodford)
G-BTZNLessorBAe 146-3001992arr EMA 16.01.92/ro 28.10.92 LAP col
N146PZLineas Aereas ParaguayasBAe 146-3001992own FSBU r9.12.92
ZP-CCYLineas Aereas ParaguayasBAe 146-3001993
N146PZLessorBAe 146-3001993&str Kingman td, sKingman AZ 29.12.93,EMA 9.03.94 xKevlavik
G-BTZNSabenaBAe 146-3001994G-r.14.03.94mdel exEMA 14.4
G-BTZNBritish World Airlines BAe 146-3001994arr Send,ro 10.11 fc/ret 12.11.96 Woodf/EMA 9.01.97 for maint/TrAL r7.01.97
EI-CLYAer Lingus Commuter BAe 146-3001997own TrAL, AerL r11.08.99 str DUB since 28.02.02, painted white at SNN & frd-->DUB 03.01.03, frd-->FZO 13.03.03, ret BAe (O) 02.04.03
G-BTZNLessorBAe 146-3002003frd-->EXE 20.05.03, arrFZO &str 04.08.03, frd-->EXE Air Dolomiti-fcs 22.08.05
I-ADJIAir DolomitiBAe 146-3002005frdVRN-->EXE 28.05.09, frd-->Kemble 13.10.09
G-BZTNLessorBAe 146-3002009for ACS ann 04.10, arrMSE 22.09.10, Avtn Capital Solutions r19.11.10, frd MSE-Kiev KBP 17.12.10, G-reg canc 08.03.11 to UR-CIL
UR-CILMahan AirBAe 146-3002012sTHR fcs td
EP-MOFMahan AirBAe 146-3002012
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
I-ADJI Air DolomitiLIRNAyronautica
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCGreggy
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EIDWAyronautica
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EGCCAV8 Photos
EI-CLY Aer Lingus Commuter EIDWWarthog1
G-BTZN British World Airlines EGCCAyronautica
G-BTZN British World Airlines EGPFScottyBoy76
G-BTZN LessorEGNXAyronautica