G-FLTC/GFLTC BA Connect BAe 146 (Avro RJ) Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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BAe 146 (Avro RJ) [E3205]

Registration: G-FLTC
Operator: BA Connect
HEX Code:
Engines: ALF502R-5 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-1777Makung Airlines BAe 146-3001992BAe r18.09.91/rr3.10.91/s3.92 Woodford, green prim,s Makung col 21.8/new reg 2.9/dep 5.11.92,BTVO canc 16.11.92
B-1777UNI Airways CorpBAe 146-3001996wfu Kaosiung 21.05.99
G-NJIDNational Jets ItalyBAe 146-3002000set 40, arr Woodford 22.12.99 full UNI col, s Woodford full BA cs 31.08.00, ferry Woodford-->Palermo 20.10.00, is 21.10.00, ceased ops 09.11.01, ret lessor at EXT reg canc by CAA 30.11.01
G-BTVOFlightlineBAe 146-3002002rgd td, spkd EXE British AW cs old reg 20.02.02, re-rgd by Flightline
G-JEBHFlybeBAe 146-3002003spkdEXE Flybe tailmarkings blue belly 05.11.03, sisSNN td, rgd JEA 11.12.03, rgd Flightline 02.11.04
G-FLTCFlightlineBAe 146-3002005sLHR white-cs with tit opf Qantas td
G-FLTCJet2BAe 146-3002006sSEN with tit&logos small "opby Flightline"-tit td
G-FLTCFlightlineBAe 146-3002006sDUS white-cs opf British AW td
G-FLTCJet2BAe 146-3002007sLGW "London-Newcastle 26.99"-tit td
G-FLTCFlightlineBAe 146-3002007arrSEN to remove tit td
G-FLTCSwiss International Air LinesBAe 146-3002007due ret 10.07
G-FLTCBA ConnectBAe 146-3002008wfu&frd--SEN 24.10.08, own E3205 Trading Ltd 05.03.09, s05.03.14
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G-FLTC FlightlineEGLLAyronauticaPhoto Taken
G-FLTC FlightlineEGLLJLRAviation
G-FLTC FlightlineEGLLGreggy
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G-BTVO FlightlineEGCDAyronautica