Beechcraft King Air [BB-1167]

Registration: ZS-GJV
Operator: RV Consulting Partnership
HEX Code:
Engines: PW PT6A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: General Aviation
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N999MCMason CorporationB200 King Air1984
N999MCGeneral Electric Capital CorporationB200 King Air1993
N999MRGeneral Electric Capital CorporationB200 King Air1993re-rgd
N18CMGeneral Electric Capital CorporationB200 King Air1993re-rgd
N18CMJNG Services IncB200 King Air1995lsd
N35GRGeneral Electric Capital CorporationB200 King Air1995re-rgd
N35GRJNG Services IncB200 King Air2001rgd 30.07.01 to WFBN
N35GRJNG Services IncB200 King Air2003rgd 29.04.03, prev lsd
N35GRGeneral Aviation Services LLCB200 King Air2008rgd, reg canx 20.08.08
ZS-GJVRV Consulting PartnershipB200 King Air2008rgd 21.08.08, W/O 03.06.13 The pilot being the sole occupant onboard the aircraft departed Johannesburg-O.R. Tambo International Airport on a reposition flight for scheduled maintenance to Lanseria. Takeoff and climb was uneventful. Upon arrival at Lanseria Airport, South Africa (HLA), the aircraft landed gear-up on runway 06L due to failure of the pilot to extend the landing gear. The aircraft skidded for approximately 300 metres coming to halt in the middle of the runway. The aircraft was subs
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