Bell 206 JetRanger [00314]

Registration: G-SUET
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code: 402542
Engines: Allison 250-C20 x 1
Fleet Name:
Type: Helicopter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1408WCorporate206B JetRanger II1971
C-GWDHCorporate206B JetRanger II1974
ZS-HMVCorporate206B JetRanger II1983
G-BLZNCorporate206B JetRanger II1985Subst dmgd at HYC on 29.06.1998 when main rotor blades collided with the rotor blades of AB.206B G-BUZZ which had been wheeled onto a parking spot, but positioned 8 feet off centre allowing the blades to contact each other. Following the collision G-BLZN rolled over onto it's right side. Repaired and re-entered service.
G-SUETCorporate206B JetRanger II2011
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-BLZN CorporateEGLFAyronautica