Boeing 717 [55055 / 5014]

Registration: VH-NXH
Operator: Qantaslink
HEX Code: 7C4513
Engines: BMW RR BR715 x 2
Fleet Name: Grampians National Park
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N9012SBavaria International Aircraft Leasing717-2K91999sLB 20.11.99 white no tit, 3.12.99, sKingman AZ 5.02.00
VH-IMDImpulse Airlines717-2K92000sLB 11.04.00 col, plain tail, s28.04.00 LB, sOsaka 7.05.00 on ferry, first 717 svc 5.06.00 Melbourne-Sydney
VH-IMDQantaslink717-2K92001frd to Richmond 18.08.01 for repaint (last AC to be repainted)
VH-IMDJetstar Airways717-2K92004s12.04.04 white, wfu 30.11.05, frd to Richmond, repaint QL col
VH-NXHQantaslink717-2K92005Opby National Jet Systems. arr Perth, rr s15.01.06 fc, wfu 20.03.07, frd Perth-Adelaide 21.03.07 retd Bavaria IAL, but sis 11.08 and 03.11 (multiple photos exist). WFU 22.10.2023. Ferried CBR-APW-HNL-VCV and std 30.11.2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VH-NXH QantaslinkYPPHJLRAviation