Boeing 717 [55063 / 5034]

Registration: VH-NXE
Operator: Qantaslink
HEX Code: 7C4510
Engines: BMW RR BR715 x 2
Fleet Name: Maria Island National Par
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-SMHImpulse Airlines717-23S2000Pembroke Cap, r23.8 Impulse, sLB 25.08.00 fc
VH-VQEQantaslink717-23S2001rr 2.11.01
VH-VQEJetstar Airways717-23S2004s04.04.04 white, i.s. 25.05.04, wfu 30.04.05 Melbourne MEL
VH-NXEQantaslink717-23S2005tfd to National Jet Systems, ent. svc 01.06.05, rr 25.07.05 Nat Jet, damaged 07.02.08 Darwin, even thought could be WO, but frd to Adelaide 02.05.08 for additional repairs, frd to Perth 16.05.08, ret in svc 17.05.08. Frd CBR-APW-KOA-VCV ret lessor 16-18.07.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VH-NXE QantaslinkYBCSJLRAviation