Boeing 717 [55065 / 5048]

Registration: N988DN
Operator: Delta Air Lines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SX-BOCOlympic Aviation717-21S2001Bangkok AW ntu/realloc?, sLB 8.12.00 full Olympic Avtn col
SX-BOCOlympic Airlines717-21S2003s pkd 19.12.03 ATH, s21.01.04 engines taped up, repo sis late 02.04 but seen sealed up 22.03.04, s02.04.04 optnl, "Aviation" titles removed
EC-JZXSpanairlink717-21S2007r/o ATH 16.12.06 fc, frd to PMI-NWI 07.01.07 rrgd, sis MAD 26.02.06 "Es Vedra", sPMI 01.10.08 with Spanair Link titles removed, frd SVQ-PMI 04.04.09 after paint in Quantum Air cs
EC-JZXQuantum Air717-21S2009painted in Quantum Air col and frd Sevilla-Palma 04.04.09, s str PMI 30.10.09 white, due ret lessor, sis 09.01.10 LPA white, AL ceased 26.01.10
SE-RELSAS Scandinavian Airlines717-21S2010rgd Pembroke Alpha, pkd Palma, frd to MIA 15-16.05.10 white
OH-BLJBlue1717-21S2010frd MIA--HEL 29-30.08.10, SE-reg canc 15.09.10, first svc 23.09.10, wfs 24.10.15, frd HEL--VQQ 06-07.11.15
N988DNDelta Air Lines717-21S2015r12.11.15, frd VQQ-ATL 05.03.16 for svc
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N988DN Delta Air LinesKLASgrahamepage
N988DN Delta Air LinesKMIAGreggy
OH-BLJ Blue1OTT/OFFAyronautica
OH-BLJ Blue1EGLLgrahamepage
EC-JZX Quantum AirOTT/OFFgrahamepage
SX-BOC Olympic AviationEGKKgrahamepage