Boeing 717 [55166 / 5116]

Registration: VH-NXJ
Operator: Qantaslink
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N902MEMidwest Airlines717-2BL2003sLB 24.10.02 prodline, sLB 10.02.03 full new colours, del to MKE 28.02.03 in the evening to be r/o 01.03.03 new colours/name, USB 28.02.03, ret BCC ELC 09.09.09, s str Victorville 15.10.09 basic col, USB to BCC ELC 22.10.09
N902MEMexicana Click717-2BL2009frd VCV-MEX basic MW col N-rgd, 12.09 maintenance and paint, AL ceased 28.08.10, pkd MEX, ret to lessor and frd MEX-TUS-VCV 14.12.10, s07.10.11 str MxC cs, not to VH-NXR, see cn 55168
VH-NXJQantaslink717-2BL2012frd MIA--ADL 05-08.05.12, N-reg canc 10.05.12, VH-rgd 11.05.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VH-NXJ QantaslinkYSSYJLRAviation
N902ME Midwest AirlinesKEWRGreggy