Boeing 717 [55177 / 5127]

Registration: N734BC
Operator: Withdrawn from use
HEX Code: A9DA03
Engines: BMW RR BR715 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N914MEMidwest Airlines717-2BL2004USB 20.01.04, frd MKE-VCV 03.11.08 on return to lessor, to BCC Equipment Leasing Co 10.02.09, frd VCV-MIA 04.06.09
XA-CLFMexicana Click717-2BL2009frd MIA-MEX basic Midwest col, XA-rgd (a report as frd MIA-MEX fc 04.07.09 N-rgd presum not true, maybe XA-CLE?), AL ceased 28.08.10
N409BCLessor717-2BL2011frd MEX-TUS-VCV 20.01.11, s07.10.11 str MxC cs, s20.09.12, frd VCV-Jacksonville VQQ 06.03.13, N-reg canc 06.05.13
EI-FBJVolotea Airlines717-2BL2013frd VQQ--PMI 02-03.05.13 own BCC ELC r09.05.13, sPMI 04.07.15 add 'Asturias Spirit' titles, Ruby Leasing (Ireland) r31.01.19, frd 22.09.19 to BTS, painted white, to ARN 29.09.19, frd ARN--VCV 16-17.12.19 ret lessor
N734BCWithdrawn from use717-2BL2020std at VCV 17 Dec 2019. Purchased for spare parts for Delta
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-FBJ Volotea AirlinesEGHIWarthog1
EI-FBJ Volotea AirlinesEGPHFlyDroo