Boeing 717 [55182 / 5138]

Registration: N494HA
Operator: Hawaiian Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N920MEMidwest Airlines717-2BL2004ff 19.11.04 sLB, USB 06.12.04, last Midwest (717) flight MKE-BOS 02.11.09, frd MKE-VCV 12.11.09 ret lessor, USB to BCC ELC 10.12.09, Mexicana Click ntu, repo pkd MEX, ret to lessor and frd MEX-TUS-VCV 16.12.10, s07.10.11 str MxC cs, s20.09.12
EI-FBKVolotea Airlines717-2BL2013BCC ELC, frd VCV--PMI 13-14.03.13, N-reg canc 20.03.13, EI-rgd BCC 21.03.13
N494HAHawaiian Airlines717-2BL2017ARN-VQQ 22-23.11.16 for lse return, EI-reg canc 12.12.16, N-rgd BCC ELC, lsd to Haw. frd VQQ--HNL 07.02.17
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