Boeing 727 [18361 / 28]

Registration: 9Q-CRG
Operator: Hewa Bora Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N18477Continental Airlines727-301976
N18477Air Micronesia727-301984
N18477Continental Micronesia727-301992wfu NoTT r5.93 (opb COA),ret 12.07.93 Denver to lessor,sSherman TX 10.93/reg canc 8.94
9Q-CSEShabair727-301994s08.95 white overall col, Shabair tit, dark blue cheatline
9Q-CRGNew ACS727-301995sKinsh/cn ch 11.95
9Q-CRGCongo Airways727-301995based Brazzaville, later ret New ACS ??
9Q-CRGZaire Airlines727-301997
9Q-CSECongo Airlines727-301997sJNB 10.97 as 9Q-CRG/rr s27.02.98 Kinsh, poor cond, no engs
9Q-CRGCongo Airlines727-301999sJNB 06.99 (photocap), sis 20.10.99, id not conf (maybe -CSE and -CRG are 2 different AC since 95), s14.06.01 JNB still Congo AL col (str?), sis JNB 02.02.03 (oldest flying 727?)
9Q-CRGHewa Bora Airways727-302000sJNB 04.05.03, s6.03 still full old CAL col, sFIH 11.09.03, s02.04, repo str FIH (JP2005)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9Q-CRG Congo AirlinesFAORWarthog1
N18477 Continental AirlinesKSEAWarthog1
D-ABIC LufthansaEDDFWarthog1