Boeing 727 [18365 / 52]

Registration: N606DH
Operator: Aircraft Guaranty Corporation
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BMZUDan Air London727-301986
N96BCorporate727-301987str off BOI,str23.07.90Las Vegas/AvEnt 1.88,LTD 5.88 BOI repo 14.10.88
N96BCorporate727-301991sDynair, Phil 23.05.91 rTBN 6.91
N96BComtran International727-301995r1.96/ N727MJ ntu/WWS Viators Corp 30.08.96
N700TECorporate727-30(WL)1996rr31.12.96 (JAPL) or 5.97, s3.98 San Antonio, winglets
N727ECAtlantic Aircraft Inc727-30(WL)1998inAvL:ex WWS Viators, rr 29.05.98,s11.98 Newark, winglets, AtlAc sSt. Joseph MO 28.11.98. winglets s99, sPBI 10.02, Malta 25.09.04 winglets, exec white/green col, Atlantic to Advanced AW 29.11.07, Maverick Avtn Holdings 29.11.07, Aircraft Guaranty Corp 29.11.07, r30.11.07
N665DHAircraft Guaranty Corporation727-30(WL)2007rr res 14.02.08, sPHX 25.03.08 rrgd, offic rrgd 31.03.08, frd LAX-MHV 12.05.08, MHV-LAX 21.05.08, sBOH 06.06.08
N606DHAircraft Guaranty Corporation727-30(WL)2009rr res 28.07.09, sis Bariloche 14.12.09, Roatan 16.04.10, LAX 26.02.12, PBI s19.01.14, OPF 06.03.14 repo oldest 727 flying (operator also repo Aircraft Inventory Co), sBFI 07.11.14, frd TUS-Victoria 01.05.17, Port Alberni 21.05.17 to be preserved there, Aircraft Guaranty Corp r17.10.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N96B CorporateEGGWScottyBoy76
N96B CorporateEGGWScottyBoy76
N96B CorporateEGLLWarthog1
N96B CorporateEGSSScottyBoy76
N96B CorporateEGLLAyronautica
N96B CorporateEGSSAyronautica
N96B CorporateEGSSAyronautica
HZ-TA1 CorporateEGLLcolinw
D-ABIH LufthansaEGLLWarthog1