Boeing 727 [18436 / 58]

Registration: XA-SXZ
Operator: TAESA
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1980 American Airlines727-231964wfu 29.10.92 Maxton, TT 72281,54546 L/ CAT 27.06.90,SPEL r9.93,FSBU r5.94,arr MIA 12.12.94 wfu,s 14.07.95 maint
XA-SXZTAESA727-231995own FSBU, pkd MIA s27.09.97 white,s6.09.98 no engs, s17.10.98 back with engines, S-C AS,sold to TAESA 17.03.99,sMexC 7.99 full nc, AL ceased ops 21.02.00, s03.00 engines missing, white wfu sMEX 01.04, at off-airport cemetary s11.16 (first sources reported this aircraft sMIA 1.11.99 white, on belly, being brup, s08.02.03 wfu, s29.09.03 wfu, scrapped Miami 2003 but that's probably a different airframe)
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N1980 American AirlinesKMEMWarthog1