Boeing 727 [18444 / 114]

Registration: ZS-IJF
Operator: Millionair Charter
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1988 American Airlines727-231965wfu 30.11.92,TT 73079,55243 L, to Tulsa 12.92,Maxton 29.01.93 (s2.93)/CAT 29.06.90,SPEL r9.93,FSBU r5.94
OK-UGZAir Terrex727-231995frd -Prague 15.04.95,basic AA,Terrex tail
N1988 Phoenix Airways727-231996rFSBU 2.96, Sret 2.96/sJNB 30.04.96 metallic,Terrex col
ZS-IJFInterair South Africa727-231996ro fc, is 18.10.96
N1988 Lessor727-231998r5.98, canc 10.09.98 to ZS-
ZS-IJFMillionair Charter727-231998sJNB 11.98, sJNB 18.06.01 blue tail no tit, small 'opb Millionair' sticker, sJNB 8.12.01 no tit, sJNB 27.04.02 pkd white/blue col no tit, repossessed and offered for sale by 10.04, tt 78785, see, sJNB 16.11.04, s18.04.05 str, repo to be broken up "soon" after 03.06, but s01.07 no engs but intact, s11.07, s19.04.09 being b/u, forward fuselage and wings remained
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