Boeing 727 [18849 / 178]

Registration: S9-CAH
Operator: UN (Transafrik International)
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7042UUnited Airlines727-221965
N40487Continental Airlines727-221978
N40487Wien Air Alaska727-221984ret Cont 17.09.84
N40487Nippon Miniature727-221984
N727CDNippon Miniature727-221985own Av Serv 89? s Air Atlantic titles 5.91 FtLaud
N727CDAv Atlantic727-22(F)1991sTucson 27.09.92 no tit,sMiami 29.08.93/ own IALI (JAPL:Air Atlantic 1.07.91)/IAL AH r12.92
HR-AMHUN (Transafrik International)727-22(F)1993sMIA with 'UN' tit 5.01.94/sLuanda 11.02.94 'WFP' on tail,id 22.08.94 UN-WFP
ZS-NMWZimbabwe Express727-22(F)1996
S9-CAHUN (Transafrik International)727-22(F)1998sWaterkloof SA white, UN tit, id conf in JP00, but regi used for An-28 since 2003 (JP2004), presum brup
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N727CD Av AtlanticKTUSWarthog1
N727CD Av AtlanticKOPFAyronautica
N727CD Av AtlanticEGPKAyronautica
N727CD Nippon MiniatureKMZJWarthog1
N40487 Continental AirlinesKLAXWarthog1
N7042U United AirlinesKOAKWarthog1