Boeing 727 [18864 / 231]

Registration: N167FE
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7057UUnited Airlines727-221966
N167FEFedex - Federal Express727-22(F)1989wfu 26.07.01, Greenwood MS 31.07.01 pwfu, for parts by MeG, s6.09.01 fc compl, donated to Middle Tennessee State University for aerospace program, ann to be frd to Murfreesboro Municipal Airport where it will remain (1190 m runway) after 12.01, ntu, see 19299, still Greensboro s5.02, MeG bt 25.09.02, canc 15.10.02, s09.01.03 str, s19.02.03 basic col, has been brup as of 09.03, cockpit preserved at the Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum Denver-Lowry AFB s26.01.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N167FE Fedex - Federal ExpressKFLLAyronautica
N7057U United AirlinesKCLEWarthog1