Boeing 727 [18905 / 160]

Registration: N220NE
Operator: Tropical Air Trading Comp
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N840TWTWA - Trans World Airlines727-311965incident 04.04.79 TWA JFK-MSP, went into an uncontrollable dive/spin from FL390 to 5,000 MSL. The captain saved the day by extending gear, flaps, etc. at over 500 KIAS, slowing the plane but also causing assorted pieces to depart the airplane
N840TWJet East International727-311988
N220NEJet East International727-31(F)1988
N220NEExpress One727-31(F)1989to Free Throw Inc, Orlando 14.02.94,sMIA 2.06.94 now with cargodoor
N220NEEmery Worldwide Airlines727-31(F)1995sJFK white,is/ AAR 17.10.96, IASG 24.03.97 still Emery
N220NECharter America727-31(F)1999Charter Am Holdings r30.04.99, sMIA 16.05.99 no tit, xEmWW col, worked on, sMIA 21.07.99 fc, s str Roswell 28.01.05 white, frd ROW-MIA 10.12.05
N220NETropical Air Trading Comp727-31(F)2005sMargarita Porlamar 09.09.06, in svc? no titl, s19.02.09 stored in Charter America cs, s11.09 bad cond, so no candidate for drugs smuggle and crash in Mali, s03.14 str complete seems good cond
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N840TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesKSFOWarthog1