Boeing 727 [18934 / 222]

Registration: 9S-CDC
Operator: Congo Government
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABISLufthansa727-301966one source: ever with Condor, might be due to faulty picture caption
JY-HMHJordanian Government727-301975
JY-AHSArab Wings727-301981
9Q-RDZRepublique Zaire727-301986sBrazz 6.97
9Q-CDCCongo Government727-30(WL)1997rr s19.02.98 Goa,s11.98 creme col, used by Kabila (Congo), s7.99, sis Tokyo HND 16.03.05, s Goma 20.01.08, flew Tamanrasset--St Johns 14-15.04.08 (not 9Q-CSC) sis DXB 15.07.10, arr SEN 15.12.10 no titles, pkd/overhauled, sSEN 27.08.13 engine runs, flew SEN-Manston-Lasham 23.01.14 now winglets, frd to MAN 12.05.14 no markings only named with small Hewa Bora titles on nose, repainted, ret Lasham 23.05.14 fcs for further interior work, frd Lasham--Tamanrasset 31.07.14
9S-CDCCongo Government727-30(WL)2019
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9Q-CDC Congo GovernmentEGMCgrahamepage
VR-CHS CorporateEGLLWarthog1
JY-AHS Arab WingsEGLLWarthog1
JY-HMH Jordanian GovernmentEGLLcolinw
JY-HMH Jordanian GovernmentEGLLWarthog1