Boeing 727 [18936 / 249]

Registration: VP-BAJ
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
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Type: Business
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N16764United Technologies727-301975
N33UTUnited Technologies727-301975
N5073LUnited Technologies727-301976sDUS 78 no titl
N5073LGeni AC Corp727-301988
N18HHGeni AC Corp727-301989also repo N18HN, mistake?
N18HHHarry Helmsley (Helmsley-Spear)727-301990no connection to Hilton Hotels (earlier repo by mistake)
N18HHTrush Acquisitions727-302001bt ex Geni
N67JRCorporate727-30(WL)2001r10.01.02 (based El Paso TX), rrgd 30.07.02, s Lemwerder 23.09.02 winglets, flew Oakland-Mojave 12.03.03 (str?), sVictorville 22.02.04 outside hangar, unclear if str
N67JRComtran International727-30(WL)2005(San Antonio TX), sFarnborough 18.07.06 Super 27, white, red stripe, dark belly, arr SSG 29.11.06 for inspection, Comtran to Bank of Utah 14.09.07
VP-BAJCorporate727-30(WL)2008sLasham nice BBJ style col 28.04.08, rrgd, N-reg canc 02.05.08, depa 06.05.08, frd Gander-Hamilton 16.10.09, pwfu, sHamilton YHM 28.10.11 and 02.12 white str, s12.04.12 Mohawk College YHM used as maintenance trainer
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-BAJ CorporateEGHLcolinw
N67JR Comtran InternationalEGHHgrahamepage
N5073L United TechnologiesLFPBWarthog1