Boeing 727 [18972 / 242]

Registration: N290NE
Operator: Express One
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8148NEastern Air Lines727-251966
N290NEExpress One727-251989
N290NEBraniff Airways727-251991
N290NEExpress One727-25(F)1991sMIA painted (10.9: Metallic),12.09.93 Roadway Global,sis 14.09.93 Seattle as Fr,s pkd Grayson TX 29.06.95, conv 9.93 F, AAR Engine Gr own 10.96, lsd Wmery, s2.10.96 Cop, opb Express One,tit,s3.99 Bru white/grey, small opb Expr One tit,s6.05.99 MIA all white, sATH 14.10.99, no later sightings, sAlexandria LA (AEX) 31.03.06 poor cond no engines all white
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