Boeing 727 [19139 / 255]

Registration: 9Q-CBF
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8315Japan Domestic727-891966
JA8315Japan Airlines727-891966
JA8315TOA Domestic727-891972
D-AHLSHapag Lloyd727-891976
D-AHLSHapag Lloyd727-891984SAT ret 12.85
D-AHLSHapag Lloyd727-891987wfu Hannover s28.03.91,11.5'727 bye bye 'sticker, own Air Serv Int 30.07.91,To Orlando s15.08.91 for exec conversion
D-AHLSCorporate727-891991(Grand Cayman)
VR-BRRCorporate727-891991sFrankf 12.91
VR-CRBCorporate727-891992rep as ex BHN = 18370
VR-CDBCorporate727-891993is17.4 Manch-AMS/s6.05.93 used by U2 for 6 months (fn TJT001),s Dallas-Love ar7.94 Boston celtics logo, short-term-strage
N511DBMVP Air Tours727-891994based Los Angeles
N511DBViscount Air Service727-891994sis1.12.94 MIA/s30.01.96 Tucson half in C-check,cancelled when TuA ceased/MVP AT ret ex Viscount 10.96, SuPI 1.11.96
N511DBSun Pacific International727-891996RiL 25.04.97, ret RiI 2.07.97
N511DBRyan International Airlines727-891997sBru 25.07.97 white,Pop-Up (U2) tit/Rivehorse Inv r8.97
N511DBLaker Airways727-891998sPhoe 3.01.99 Laker callsign, Riverhorse Inv sold to Riverhorse Avtn Group 18.06.99, opb LB Inc=Laker
N511DBStar Air Tours727-891999own Riverh, ceased 5.11.99, sPhoenix 3.01.00 (colours?), s Las Vegas 29.12.00 white str, depa 2.04.01
N511DBDB Air727-892001bt ex Riverhorse
N511DBInterflight (Belgium)727-892002still N-rgd, canc 18.07.02 to Swaziland, s Charleroi 28.07.02 small "Executive" titles
N511DBGlobal Airways727-892002sCharleroi, new titles, still N-rgd
3D-JNMTranstel Airlines727-892003sLBG Paris, mistakenly? repo as 3D-INM white/blue col, logo on nose, Executive titles, STAGE III on engines, same colours Sao Paulo GRU 11.05.03, s18.05.03 presum same Ac, believed lsd to Transtel
9Q-CBFCorporate727-892004sFaro, VIP flights for African leaders, s wfu Kinshasa FIH 04.11.11 white
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VR-CDB CorporateEGGWScottyBoy76
D-AHLS Hapag LloydEDDFWarthog1
D-AHLS Hapag LloydEDDFcolinw