Boeing 727 [19195 / 406]

Registration: 9Q-CGB
Operator: Gomair
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7420UUnited Airlines727-22C1967
C-GAGZAir Canada727-22C1979
N727PLInterstate Airlines727-22C1981own ATSC 07.82
N727CKConnie Kalitta Services727-22C1986
N727CKAmerican International Airways727-22C1991
N727CKKitty Hawk Aircargo727-22C1997r11.97, DM Clark Trustee 19.04.99 (r10.06.99) opb Kitty Hawk, sDetroit YIP 30.07.00 white
N792AKitty Hawk Aircargo727-22C2000own DM Clark Airlines727-22C2000sLouisville white, D M Clark to Clark Avtn H LLC 26.12.00 (opb?), s Detroit YIP 21.09.02 white, id s5.01.03, s18.09.04, Clark to Savanna Avtn LLC 15.11.04
N792ANorthern Air Cargo727-22C2005sTUS 04.03.05 full nw col, depa to BFI 24.03.05, frd Tucson-San Bernardino 05.02.07, canc 08.02.07 to C-
C-GHWCWestcan International Airlines727-22C2007frd San Bernardino-Edmonton YEG 10.06.07, sis 02.08 fc
N56TRProfessional Maintenance Services727-22C2009frd Edmonton-Buffalo 13.06.09 Westcan col
9Q-CGBGomair727-22C2009due ferry AVP--SMA 30.07.09 (also repo 18.07.09), N-reg canc 05.08.09, first repo for Wimbi Dira, s18.02.11 GOM basic Westcan col, no titles, maybe never with Air Force, see above, presum wfs by 2013, repo 08.20 str for a while on hill at Parc de la Vallee S.04
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