Boeing 727 [19252 / 327]

Registration: C5-GAF
Operator: Gambia Government
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1636 Northeast Airlines727-951966
N1636 Delta Air Lines727-951972N835N Piedmont ntu, Tigerair 22.09.77
C2-RN5Air Nauru727-951977
N740EVEvergreen International Airlines727-951985a bw photo exists in ex Air Nauru cs but dated 26.08.06?
N740EVPride Air727-951985ret 11.85
HZ-WBTCorporate727-951986rr when Pr. Tfd 8.87,repo lsd Palestinian AL by 2.98 but never seen
HZ-WBT2Corporate727-951998sDallas Love rr,sNice late 7.98,Phoe s6.99
N727GGTrans Gulf Corp727-951999sTampa 31.10.99 pkd, green cheatline small Saudi flag, sATH 31.10.00 no tit, sis BEY 10.05.05, EIN 06.08.06, MLA 11.09.07, for sale on s01.08, fresh C-checked, reg canc 22.08.08
C5-GAFGambia Government727-952008del PGF-BJL, sis IAD 08.09, JFK 25.09.09, dam 07.10.09 cabin fire while parked Banjul, sSouthend 20.08.10, r/o from ATC hangar 17.11.10 now minus engines and some parts, stored at northeast corner , s20.07.11, s14.12.12 looks complete/optnl SEN, frd via LIS 30.04.13 to Banjul
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HZ-WBT CorporateLFPBAyronautica
HZ-WBT CorporateEGLLAyronautica
N1636 Delta Air LinesKLAXWarthog1