Boeing 727 [19253 / 296]

Registration: N720DC
Operator: Trans Flight International LLC NAO
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-RMRAnsett Australia727-771966
N110ACIAL - International Air Leases727-771976
N110ACMark III Corp727-771976
N111EKSudan Government727-771977ret AmCap 18.10.78
N111EKAmerican Capital Leases727-771977
N111EKMark III Corp727-771985
N111EKTriad Am Corp727-771985GATX ret 7.86
N720DCCorporate727-771994r11.94 as N448DR
N720DCSanta Barbara Aerospace727-771995r7.95
N720DCCorporate727-771995lsd due ret to Santa Barbara Aerosp 6.96,str sSanta barbara 11.96,sMST 4.09.97
N720DCCorporate727-771997Santa Bar ret 26.11.97, ICN lsd again 2.02.98, reposs 6.06.99 BTM CC, sLas Vegas 18.10.99 sealed for strage, sPalm Beach Int 21.05.00 (is?)
N720DCAmericana de Aviacion727-772001s18.03.04 PBI
N720DCTrans Flight International LLC NAO727-772004Aerodyne LLC 04.03.05, damaged by hurricane Wilma on ground at PBI 24.10.05, sPalm Beach 19.01.06 major damage to nose cone and left side of fuselage, s09.08.08 still wfu, presum the cockpit section of 'N507FE' sHouston HOU 20.10.11
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VR-CKL HandlingairEGLLWarthog1
N111EK Sudan GovernmentEGLLcolinw