Boeing 727 [19282 / 495]

Registration: VP-CMN
Operator: IDG Cayman
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8325Japan Airlines727-461967
D-AHLQHapag Lloyd727-461975
N4245SDee Howard AC Sales727-461981Interdec USA 05.81
VR-CBEReseberry Corp727-461982
VR-CLMCorporate727-461992based AMS 8.92 (rLarmag 13.04.92,cofa r4.08.92,to SEND 26.01.93 maint)
VR-CMNIDG Cayman727-461996ro Send 19.3
VP-CMNIDG Cayman727-461997s6.07.97,frd Ams-Gander 26.04.99, frd AMS-Gander 26.09.99, sSan Antonio 20.11.99 maint, sis ZRH 27.01.00 Knight of Malta tit, sSan Antonio 20.01.01 (pkd for many months), last sighting pkd Midland TX 12.04, s23.01.05 good cond, noted as 'str' as no recent sightings since, sBrunswick GA 18.10.08 stored. Flew BQJ--Filton FZO 24.03.09 for paint, for MK Airlines VIP division, MK ceased.. not flown since, str Filton s19.11.11, fuselage by road Filton-Kemble 17.06.12 for parting out, fuselage hangared
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-CMN IDG CaymanEGBPcolinw
VP-CMN IDG CaymanEGHHgrahamepage
VR-CBE Reseberry CorpEGSSAyronautica
VR-CBE Reseberry CorpEGSSAyronautica
VR-CBE Reseberry CorpEGLLWarthog1
N4245S Dee Howard AC SalesEGLLWarthog1
D-AHLQ Hapag LloydEDDVcolinw