Boeing 727 [19318 / 348]

Registration: N727VJ
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZS-EKWSouth African Airways727-441967
ZS-SBFSouth African Airways727-441968
N727ECScimitar Inc727-441984
N44MDCorporate727-44(WL)1988rr 6.88, first seen with winglets 13.10.99, s San Antonio 9.02 pkd
N727VJCorporate727-44(WL)2002bt ex Davis Oil by WFBN 21.10.02, to be based India, opf affiliate of UBICS, Canonsburg PA, rr 26.11.02, frd OAK-MHV 13.01.05, MHV-OAK 15.01.05, frd to BGR-LFBO 17.01.05 winglets, ROW-SAT 14.07.05, s Dallas DAL 10.11.06 UB full col, missing tail
N727VJCorporate727-44(WL)2007sOakland full Kingfisher col (comparible with India's airline), WFBN to N727VJ Inc 23.07.07, frd OAK-MHR Sacramento Mather 26.02.12 str, s28.12.12 at KMHR seems optnl (at flightline), frd Sacramento MHR-Kingman 04.09.14, Aero Micronesia 04.09.14, canc 05.09.14 pwfu, sIGM 29.03.15 str, s27.08.15 being broken up, many parts missing, s08.11.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N727VJ CorporateKIGMEGLL Spotter
N727VJ CorporateEGPKAyronautica
N727VJ CorporateEGPKFlyDroo
N727VJ CorporateEGPKAyronautica
N727VJ CorporateEGSSGreggy
N727VJ CorporateEGSSAyronautica
N727VJ CorporateEGSSGreggy
N44MD CorporateEGLLAyronautica